CAREB-ACCER Committees

The Canadian Association of Research Ethics Boards (CAREB-ACCER) is a national organization dedicated to promoting human participant protection in research. As part of our mandate, we:

  • promote the professionalism of research ethics board administrators and members (collectively referred to as REB professionals) through the sharing of expertise, experience, information and knowledge;
  • represent and communicate the perspectives and concerns of REB professionals in local, national and international policy development and implementation;
  • increase the visibility of the REB’s mandate, and advocate for the appropriate allocation of resources needed to ensure the fulfillment of this mandate, including adequate research ethics review and protection of research participants; and
  • provide education and resources needed to successfully promote the ethical conduct of research in Canada.

There are four branches of CAREB-ACCER dedicated to serving our membership:

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (BOD) is responsible for the governance and management of the activities and affairs of CAREB-ACCER as a non-profit corporation.

In general terms, this means providing strategic planning, developing and implementing policy, contributing to committee work and special initiatives, and supervising staff. CAREB-ACCER Board members must become engaged in the business and financial affairs of the CAREB-ACCER Corporation in executing this governance role. Board members are expected to take on a portfolio or special project and attend board and committee meetings. The time commitment entails at least 10 hours per month throughout the year, and mandatory in-person attendance at the National Conference and AGM, and Board Retreats.

In accordance with Section 4.3 of the CAREB-ACCER Bylaws (2013), members shall elect by ordinary resolution, at each annual general meeting (AGM) at which an election of directors is required, directors for a term of one, two, or three years. The Board may designate the officers of the Association, appointing officers from amongst the elected directors. A director is eligible to serve for a maximum of three consecutive terms and then eligible for re-election to the Board after an absence of one year. When positions on the Board come open, a general call is put out for nominations to be presented on a slate at the next AGM. 

For more information about the BOD, please contact Delilah Ofosu-barko, President CAREB-ACCER

Membership and Communications Committee 

The Membership and Communications Committee (MCC) is a standing committee of CAREB-ACCER responsible for communications and outreach activities appropriate to the needs of the CAREB-ACCER membership. 

The MCC ensures timely responses to concerns and queries of the membership and provides consultation on matters of membership services.  The Committee’s activities include developing, implementing and maintaining communication tools and programs for members, providing orientation to new members, and managing CAREB-ACCER’s web presence.

The MCC is also responsible for developing recruitment initiatives, extending CAREB-ACCER’s reach to others (e.g. geographically isolated REBs), and identifying opportunities for CAREB-ACCER involvement in regional groups and events. As the communication branch of CAREB-ACCER, the  MCC is responsible for informing members about important issues in the field of research ethics, consulting with the membership on relevant issues, and ensuring that all CAREB-ACCER messaging is reflective of the organization’s mandate.  

For more information about the MCC, please contact Julia Joza, Vice President Operations

Professional Development Committee

The Professional Development Committee (PDC) is a standing committee responsible for initiating and developing professional development (PD) and training opportunities for the CAREB-ACCER Membership to enhance members’ effectiveness and efficiency in executing their roles.

The committee’s duties include setting and executing pre-conference workshop programs, and developing and recommending new training and PD initiatives which respond to membership needs, are reflective of changing external requirements and reflect “best practices” within the field.

In order to fulfill its mandate, the PDC consults the membership from time to time to identify training and development requirements.  Care is taken not to duplicate resources which are available from other sources. The PDC further ensures that the learning objectives developed for CAREB-ACCER offerings facilitate the transfer of training and that the delivery methods employed are responsive to the needs of adult learners.

For more information about the PDC, please contact  Janice Moseley, Vice President Business & Education

Conference Planning Committee

The Conference Planning Committee (CPC) is responsible for all aspects of the CAREB-ACCER National Conference and Annual General Meeting (AGM).

This event ─ the only one of its kind in Canada ─ is the cornerstone of CAREB-ACCER’s educational offerings. The National Conference and AGM  is dedicated to providing research ethics professionals and stakeholders exceptional education, topical keynote speakers, professional development workshops, and valuable networking opportunities.  The CPC is responsible for planning and promoting this event including setting the conference program, inviting presenters and arranging all logistics.  The CPC is assembled on an annual basis with consideration for the geographic location of the conference venue in any given year.

For more information about the CPC, please contact  Taylor Wilson & Guillaume Pare, Co-Directors, Conference Planning
