Webinar Objectives:
By the end of this webinar participants should be able to:
- Define the three fundamental ethical principles which need to be assessed during the review process.
- Assess the application for ethical issues associated with the principle of: “Respect for persons”.
- Ensure free and informed consent is obtained.
- Identify situations which may inhibit the provision of free and informed consent.
- Ensure consent is fully informed and precedes participation.
- Describe the limitations to consent.
- Define the specific conditions which allow for departures from general principles of consent.
- Define situations which may require alternative process to be employed to obtain consent.
- Describe the requirement for researchers to ensure participants have appropriate decision making capacity.
- Discuss best practices and other considerations for obtaining consent.
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2023
Time: 11:30 am to 12:30 pm