CAREB-ACCER Virtual REB Case #1

“Influenza Transmission in Hutterite Colonies”

Preface: The Virtual REB (vREB) is a CAREB-ACCER professional development initiative that facilitates discussion on a series of research ethics case studies. While the cases presented are study overviews rather than full protocols, they are designed to include enough information for a fulsome discussion of the ethical issues entailed.

Case Studies are posted for CAREB-ACCER members across Canada to contribute their thoughts on relevant ethical issues as if conducting a research ethics review. The case debrief that follows is a collaborative product of vREB review. Where applicable, comments are supported by relevant legal and regulatory references, in particular the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS2). 

This debrief is archived in the professional development section of the CAREB-ACCER website as a resource which can be used by CAREB-ACCER members to support the orientation and training of REB members and professionals within their own institutions. The vREB Advisory Working Group acknowledges that research ethics opinions are often seen through the lens of context and are open to interpretation. As such, opinions may vary; however, these variations may be the seeds of professional discussion, learning, and development which are the goals of this exercise.  

If you have questions, comments or want to spark further dialogue regarding this case, we encourage you to start or join a discussion on the vREB section of the CAREB-ACCER online forum.

To participate, click on the title link (in red) or go to:

The exercise begins with a short demographic section followed by the case description and review questions. All responses are anonymous. Demographics are for planning purposes and will be used in aggregate. If you do provide identifying information, it will be stripped from the final case debrief.

The case study analysis review form is also available for download to assist in your case review before submission through the online form.

Feedback submission deadline: November 11, 2016 (revised deadline)

Although not required, we encourage you to complete your answers in a word document and transfer your responses into the review survey accessible through the link provided above.

This will allow you to compare your answers to the CAREB-ACCER vREB Case Debrief.
