Category Archives: Newsroom

Health Canada consultation on possible changes to its requirement with respect to Research Ethics Board (REB) approval for sponsors of clinical investigations (i.e., investigational testing) involving medical devices

Health Canada is currently considering changes to its requirement with respect to Research Ethics Board (REB) approval for sponsors of clinical investigations (i.e., investigational testing) involving medical devices. Due to the current Medical Device Regulations, the Medical Devices Bureau (MDB) cannot issue an authorization for investigational testing until evidence of REB approval has been received. […]

Portage Releases Draft Institutional RDM Strategy Template

Portage Releases Draft Institutional RDM Strategy Template March 01, 2018 – In response to the anticipated Tri-Agency research data management (RDM) policy, the Portage Institutional RDM Strategy Working Group has released a draft template and supporting guidance document that are designed to assist Canadian research institutions in developing an overarching strategy for RDM. These resources will exist as living […]

TCPS 2: Consultation Comments Posted/EPTC 2 : Commentaires sur les changements proposés…

TCPS 2: Comments on Proposed Changes Pertaining to Research Involving Human Cells and Cell Lines The Panel on Research Ethics proposed changes to TCPS 2 pertaining to research involving human cells and cell lines. A period for public consultation was held from October 17, 2017 to January 5, 2018. All comments received in that consultation are […]

PRE Announces New Educational Resources for Participants

Taking Part in Research : A new set of educational resources The Panel on Research Ethics is pleased to announce a new set of educational resources to assist current and prospective participants in their choices about taking part in research. The resources, a brochure and frequently asked questions, are available online for use by the general public, researchers, […]

TCPS 2 (2014): Consultation

The Panel on Research Ethics seeks feedback on a set of proposed changes to the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans – TCPS 2 (2014). This set of proposed revisions pertains to research involving human cells and cell lines. Written comments on the proposed changes will be accepted until January 5, 2018. All comments received […]

Toronto Research Management Symposium, November 21, 2017, 5:00 PM – 9:30 PM

The University Health Network is proud to host its annual Toronto Research Management Symposium!  The Symposium comes together every year to provide educational seminars, workshops and networking opportunities. On Tuesday November 21, 2017,  5:00 PM – 9:30 PM,  we will bring Ontario Research Management Leaders to discuss The Yin & Yang of Managing Competing & Conflicting Interests in Research. VP’s, Directors, […]

CAREB-ACCER’s Virtual Research Ethics Board has released Case Study #3

CAREB-ACCER’s Virtual Research Ethics Board (vREB) has just released Case study #3, Hypertension in a First Nations Community. (The case study is provided courtesy of the Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research). The case study is open to CAREB-ACCER members and available for review on the CAREB-ACCER website under the professional development tab. We encourage CAREB-ACCER members across Canada […]

CAREB-ACCER Virtual Research Ethics Board (vREB): Case 2 now open

The CAREB-ACCER Virtual Research Ethics Board (vREB) Case 2 is now open. The case is entitled:  “Survey to determine culturally different patterns of emotional growth and stability among young adults”  The Virtual REB is a CAREB-ACCER professional development initiative that facilitates discussion on a series of research ethics case studies. While the cases presented are study overviews […]

Tell us how we did – CAREB-ACCER 2017 workshop and conference evaluation surveys

Thank you to those of you who attended the CAREB-ACCER 2017 National Conference in Halifax. We strive to provide high quality events for our members with relevant topics, engaging speakers, and opportunities to network and share best practices with colleagues.  We would like to hear how you think we did this year. Your feedback is important, and […]